The way you walk reveals a lot about your personality, according to a study

Experts were able to accurately predict some personal traits by observing how people walked.

The way you walk reveals a lot about your personality, according to a study
© Alexander Spatari
The way you walk reveals a lot about your personality, according to a study

We never seem to think about the way we walk, or at least I never paid much attention to it – until I saw a recording of myself and was convinced that I should never be left to do anything in public, ever. No, but seriously, why do normal things we do feel kind of embarrassing, like looking at yourself in the mirror of your hairdresser or walking out of a store without buying anything or seeing yourself walk? *Anxiety*

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Well, not only that, but according to a study published in PLOS ONE, experts were able to accurately predict some personal traits by observing how people walked. In fact, the researchers found that even when participants weren't aware of being judged at all, their walking style still revealed information about their personalities! Here are some ways your walking style reveals something about who you are:

Fast walker

You are confident, assertive and have a strong presence. You are the first person to speak up in a meeting and the first to volunteer for a new project or idea. As such, you're extremely adaptable and good at communicating with others—both verbally and non-verbally.

Fast walker Ezra Bailey

Folded arms

If you walk with your head down and arms folded, you might be a cautious person. You’re likely to take things slow, too. You don’t like making eye contact with others and are more likely to look at the ground than other people around you. It makes sense if you think about it: cautious people tend to avoid risks by taking things slowly and avoiding situations that may bring them unwanted attention (like crossing the street when there's oncoming traffic).

Head held high

You walk with your head held high, and you are confident in most of the decisions that you make. You aren't afraid to take risks, nor are you afraid to stand out from the crowd. People who walk like this tend to be very self-assured and not afraid of being alone or making their own choices and decisions. They also tend to be very independent as well as confident, which explains why they can walk with such pride and confidence.

In conclusion, the way you walk is a reflection of your personality. It can reveal how you are as a person and how you present yourself to others.

Sources used:

PLOS ONE: Characterizing and predicting person-specific, day-to-day, fluctuations in walking behavior

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