Study shows unfaithful people are also unreliable at work

A study revealed something outrageous: apparently there is a connection between infidelity in love life and unreliability in work.

Women looking at computer screen
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Women looking at computer screen

In 2015, the dating site Ashley Madison was hacked and the personal data and identity of its users were revealed to the world. A huge scandal, not only for Ashley Madison, but especially for the site's users, from whom intimate data was stolen. But now three American finance professors are making use of precisely this data in their study.

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The study reveals an unexpected parallel

John Griffin, Samuel Kruger and Gonzalo Maturana analysed the profiles of 11,000 members of this dating platform for side flings. The result:

Our study shows that infidelity in one area is associated with infidelity in another.

Based on their analysis, the professors managed to determine four types of people that exhibited most signs of unfaithfulness: Police officers, business leaders, brokers and white-collar criminals.

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They saw a connection in the fact that these professionals are twice as likely to either break the law, make financial mistakes or participate in legal proceedings. Obviously, this behavioural tendency affected their choices regarding their love life.

Connection between love and the workplace

But there is another connection the other way round: the study showed a direct correlation between infidelity in love and unreliability at work. All those who are unfaithful in their private lives are also more unreliable at work. Hardly suprising in hindsight!

For a counter example, this old couple here knows no infidelity. Witha combined 215 years of life, they have been married for 80 years! Their recipe? 'Love + maturity + mutual respect.'

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