Is it possible to have sex in space?

Is it possible to make love in space? It's a question worth asking and isn't a new topic - it's been prevalent since NASA astronauts first conducted scientific experiments to find out for sure.

In space
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In space

By 2030, NASA plans to send manned missions into space. The founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk, also promised a first flight to Mars in 2024. The issue of reproduction in space has never been so topical and we already have some elements of the response.

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The United States says "no", Russia says "yes"

According to a survey from the American information site Five Thirty Eight, no one has ever made love in space. But this isn't what Russia says. On the specialized site Futura-Sciences, one can read:

In 1982, officials of the space agency of the USSR acknowledged that an attempt at human coupling took place aboard Salyut 7, between the cosmonaut Svetlana Yevgenyevna Savitskaya and one of the other two occupants of the station, Leonid Popov or Alexander Serebrov.

The cosmonaut in question always refused to talk about the subject in interviews and therefore, it has never been officially confirmed.

A secret couple within NASA

AtNASA, couples are usually looked down upon by astronauts. There's still some doubt about a potential relationship between Jan Davis and Mark Lee, both of whom work in the US government agency. They were together aboard Space Shuttle Endeavor after their secret wedding in 1992...

Five species were tested

Scientists have tested the possibilities of mating with five different species including rats and fish but also amoebae, a unicellular organism. These five species have managed tomate in space. The first instance of this took place in 1994 between two mezaks, rice field fish, and the animals were born under the eyes of the scientists after their 21st attempt...

Study reveals how astronauts' sex drive is affected when they travel to space Study reveals how astronauts' sex drive is affected when they travel to space