Vladimir Putin reportedly planning to remain in power till 77 as he makes major move

​​Vladimir Putin is planning to stand for Russia’s President once again, sources claim. If re-elected, he will continue his rule that saw dozens of thousands killed in an ‘avoidable’ war in Ukraine until he’s 77. Here’s what we know so far.

Vladimir Putin reportedly planning to remain in power till 77 as he makes major move
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Vladimir Putin reportedly planning to remain in power till 77 as he makes major move

Ever since Yevgeny Prigozhin’s failed rebellion that saw Vladimir Putin’s absolute power shaken and Wagner chief fallen off the face of the earth, the Russian President has been unusually outgoing and less picky in his social interactions.

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Some attributed it to his desire to show he was still in control of the situation in his country and that it was ‘business as usual’ for the Kremlin.

But others believe that his sociable attitude is a part of something else - his 2024 re-election campaign.

Sources claim that Vladimir Putin will shortly announce his intention to stand for Russia’s President for another 6 years, despite him currently serving his fourth term in total and a second term in a row.

If his bid is successful, he will remain the leader of the biggest country in the world until he’s 77.

With all viable political rivals jailed, exiled or killed, the Kremlin master is likely to maintain his ‘disastrous’ rule that saw dozens of thousands killed in ‘avoidable’ war, Russia’s economy shrunk and the county become the most isolated it’s been since the Cold War times, experts warn.

Sources: Vladimir Putin is campaigning for a new presidential term

Vladimir Putin has been unusually active the last two weeks.

Following Wagner Group’s attempted rebellion that saw thousands of mercenaries march to Moscow and was stopped 200 km from the capital thanks to a deal brokered by Belarus’s leader Alexander Lukashenko, the Russian President did all he could to show he still had a grip.

Vladimir Putin was recently seen taking selfies with crowds of fans,affectionately kissing random children in Dagestan, south Russia and even showing someone around the Kremlin as part of a tour of his presidential office.

Although some analysts believe that the change in a ‘quarantine-obsessed’ leader’s attitude is only possible thanks to him using body doubles, the trend is on display - he wants to be seen as a relatable politician people can see and touch.

Sources claim that the strategy is part of Vladimir Putin’s 2024 re-election campaign.

They reveal that, with the vote due next year, the Kremlin master is about to announce his bid to stay Russian President for another 6 years.

If successful, it will keep him in office until he is 77.

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Who else could stand for Russia’s President alongside Vladimir Putin?

Vladimir Putin has been Russia's President between 1999 - 2008 and then since 2012 onwards.

The four years between his terms were covered by his close ally Dmitry Medvedev, with Putin taking the role of PM.

Many believe that it was merely a trickby Kremlin to disguise the fact that he stayed in control of the country all along.

Russian law limits presidential terms to two consecutive six-year periods but under a series of constitutional amendments passed in 2021, Vladimir Putin could keep his top job until 2036.

The tweaks reset the number of terms he has served, allowing him to circumvent them in the 2024 and 2030 elections, enabling him to legally stay in office until he’s 83.

Although Russia maintains a democratic election process, experts believe that Putin is very unlikely to lose the vote as all his political rivals have been killed, imprisoned or exiled.

Moscow lawyer and anti-corruption campaigner Alexey Navalny who was once seen as his strongest opponent is currently serving a prison term, and even if freed, he wouldn't be able to place his leadership bid due to a criminal conviction.

Other vocal critics and possible candidates had to flee Russia after Kremlin leader launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin’s physical and mental health are repeatedly scrutinised in the media but there is still no reliable proof that he won’t be able to remain Russia’s leader for as long as he wants.

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Sources used:

- Daily Mail: 'Putin 'is preparing to announce he will stand for re-election for another six years as president - leaving him in control until he is 77''

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