Turn Your Old Plastic Containers Into Fun Keychains

Keys are essential for accessing your home, car, and locks so why not create a unique keychain from your old plastic containers? This is a great way to teach your children to recycle and reuse old objects. Creating this keychain is original, easy, and fun!

Turn Your Old Plastic Containers Into Fun Keychains
Turn Your Old Plastic Containers Into Fun Keychains

How To Create A Plastic Keychain

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1. Plastic food container

2. Scissors

3. Permanent markers

4. Hole puncher

5. Key ring


1. Cut out a square from the plastic container

2. Using your markers draw a design (remember to draw your image larger because it will shrink in the oven)

3. Using your scissors cut out the design

4. Use the hole puncher to cut out a circle where the chains can go in

5. Place your design in the oven at 150°C

6. Hang it on a key ring

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