Serious warning issued over this common antibiotic's 'rare link' to suicidal behaviour

An unusual suicide triggered a warning over an antibiotic that is routinely prescribed by doctors. A coroner involved in the case is now urging medical professionals to look into the dangerous side effects of the drug.

Serious warning issued over this common antibiotic's 'rare link' to suicidal behaviour
© Photo by Michelle Leman on
Serious warning issued over this common antibiotic's 'rare link' to suicidal behaviour

A man who was prescribed common NHS antibiotic Ciprofloxacin has taken his own life shortly after taking the drug.

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As the patient had no history of depression or suicidal thoughts, a coroner is now calling for the revision of this drug’s rare but deadly side effects.

Meanwhile, DWP reminds that you can get up to £691 in extra cashif you suffer from one of these mental health conditions.

It’s important to remember that help is always available if you start getting thoughts about harming yourself or ending your life. For confidential support call Samaritans on 116123 or visit

Suicide took place one week after antibiotics were prescribed

West Yorkshire coroner Martin Fleming issued a warning over a common NHS antibiotic after he came across a case of suicide possibly linked to the drug.

A newly retired doctor in his 60s took his own life a week after being prescribed a course of Ciprofloxacin.

Described as 'respected and 'experienced', former consultant cardiologist had no prior history of depression or mental health problems.

The day he killed himself he left his home for his 'usual walk'. Just hours later he sent a Facebook message to his wife saying he left a note under his pillow.

It contained some ‘baseless concerns’ about him developing AIDs after using an online-bought HIV tester kit.

The message was later described by the coroner as ‘uncharacteristically confused and illogical’.

It prompted an intensive police search which resulted in the doctor’s body being found in a nearby wood.

Although he was earlier referred to a urologist for prostate cancer tests, hence the course of Ciprofloxacin, the family said he never gave them any reason to be worried about his mental state.

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Coroner: ‘The balance of his mind was disturbed'

Martin Fleming is concerned that a prescribing doctor did not mention suicide being a rare side effect of Ciprofloxacin.

While they were correct in not doing it, the coroner calls for ‘reviewing the current guidelines’ and raise awareness of a potentially deadly link.

Fleming said:

I also heard evidence to suggest that prescribing doctors may not be fully aware of this rare side effect and that patients suffering from depression may be more vulnerable to it.

He concluded that the patient ‘intended to take his own life when the balance of his mind was disturbed’ and appealed to the Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The authority has now agreed to took into a 'rare link'.

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Sources used:

- Daily Mail: 'Coroner's warning over suicide risk side effect of common NHS antibiotic Ciprofloxacin after newly retired doctor, 63, killed himself a week after being prescribed it'

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