France shooting: 8 days after the tragedy, Nahel's father speaks out for the first time

A little over a week after 17-year-old Nahel was killed by a policeman in Nanterre, his father has decided to break his silence and demand justice for his son.

8 days after Nahel was shot by police, his father speaks out for the first time and demands justice
© Benjamin Girette / Getty Images
8 days after Nahel was shot by police, his father speaks out for the first time and demands justice

On June 27, a policeman took the life of 17-year-old Nahel,who tried to escape a car checkpoint. It is a tragedy that shook France to its core, and sparked nationwide violent protests. Nahel's mother spoke out many times about the loss of her son, and took part in a white march in his honour. More than a week later, the teenager's father, Hicham Hammouti, 42,broke his silence and now demands justice for his son.

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'I'm having trouble getting over it'

On Wednesday, Nahel's father came out of his silence and gave an interview to the French Press Association, the AFP. He revealed how he learned of his son's death:

A friend called to tell me that a 17-year-old had been shot in Nanterre. When I saw the photo and found out it was my son, I fell apart.

Mr Hammouti added that he still had hope of reconnecting with his son before the tragedy. Indeed, the 42-year-old had not been in contact with his son for several years. Although he was once incarcerated, he says he missed key moments in his child's life even after his time in prison.

I made choices in my life that meant I couldn't witness his birth, I didn't see his first steps, his first words.

However, the teenager's father says he is deeply affected by his son's death:

I'm having trouble getting over it (...) I can't sleep anymore.

Read more:France shooting: 14-year-old passenger recounts Nahel's last words when he got shot by police officer

'I'll never be able to make up for the years I was away'

Nahel's father said he now wants to take the case to court. He revealed that he had filed a civil suit in the case:

I'm filing a civil suit to get justice for Nahel and to say that I'm alive.

The 42-year-old explained that he wants the policeman to pay for what he has done.

I expect the policeman who took away all my hopes to be sentenced, like everyone else. I want real justice, he took a child's life.

For him, since tributes and demonstrations won't bring his son back, he doesn't find them meaningful.

It doesn't do anything for me, it won't bring my son back. I'll never be able to make up for the years I was away.

The police officer who killed Nahel has so far been charged with voluntary manslaughter. He recently apologized to the teenager's family.

Read more:Ralph Yarl: This 16-year-old boy got shot after he knocked on the wrong door, here's what we know

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

Source used:


France shooting: Police officer who shot teenager Nahel to receive only 40% of $1.7M raised for him France shooting: Police officer who shot teenager Nahel to receive only 40% of $1.7M raised for him