COVID: Mum loses her 'pride and pleasure' to trauma

Scottish Mother, 43, loses hair and confidence to COVID trauma. She is now working hard towards reversing her condition.

Mum, 43, loses clumps of hair to COVID trauma
© Daily Record
Mum, 43, loses clumps of hair to COVID trauma

A mother from Scotland, Martha Bradford who has suffered from 'COVID trauma' has said that she has lost 80% of her hair, which was previously her ‘pride and pleasure,’ in huge clumps.

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The 43-year-old stated she noticed she was losing hair in the shower and that she had lost 80% of her hair in only a few weeks.

Self-employed Martha used to be proud of her hair, but now she says:

Losing my hair was heartbreaking. It knocked my confidence. My hair was my thing. That's what made me confident so to lose it was a big thing for me.I am on a lot of video calls for work and I would be wearing a head scarf on those.

Heartbreaking loss of hair

Bradford was diagnosed with the virus in July and spent three days in the hospital as her symptoms became more severe. Her ailment deteriorated with the usage of telogen effluvium, a severe bodily reaction that occurs when the body is stressed.

During her battle with Covid, the mother-of-four was admitted to Crosshouse Hospital in July after experiencing respiratory difficulties. She was soon released from the hospital, only to realise she was losing huge chunks of hair.

By early August, her bald patches started increasing. In conversation with Record, Bradford stated:

I just noticed that more hair came out than usual in the shower. I’ve always had lots of thick, curly hair, and it often came out when I washed it, but it was different. There was so much more.

Mesh Extensions

​​She became worried and distant as her health worsened, opting to wear headscarves and refraining from seeing friends. Doctors confirmed that she had suffered long-erm COVID, with repeated lung infections. Bradford said:

My GP initially saidit could be a side effect of Covid and then after various testing, Will at Trichology Scotland confirmed it was telogen effluvium - a trauma response to the Covid. It is apparently quite common after childbirth or severe illness but I seemed to have had it particularly bad.

Her doctor's explained that:

In Martha's case she suffered acute telogen effluvium which meant her hair began falling out particularly rapidly, which rarely happens, but the emotional impact when it does can be devastating.

Bradford has now taken assistance to solve her hair problems in Glasgow and has successfully patched her hair up with mesh extensions that cost her £1,700. Bradford said:

I know I am one of the lucky ones. A lot of people lost their lives to Covid, but I only lost my hair and for that I am thankful. I am already seeing signs of my hair coming back so that is promising.
I just hope by sharing my story it will raise awareness and help anyone out there who might be going through this.
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