It Was This Dogs Last day on Earth and They Celebrated it in the Most Beautiful Way

This adorable German Shepherd lived 15 very happy years with her owners. However, they had to make the heartbreaking decision to put her down as she was suffering from an illness. Watch the video to see how the spent their last day together.

© holidogtimes

When they found out their pup Lena was suffering from an incurable illness, they decided that instead of mourning they would celebrate their dog's life.

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A letter from Lena

They decided to make Lena's last dayone to remember. They recorded it in the most moving way. For her last day on Earth, Lena got to enjoy her owners'undivided attentionand company. They shared a letter written from Lena's point-of-view which recounts the events of her life and her last 24 hours.

Lena's letter: Hi, my name is Lena! Unfortunately, yesterday I started my forever nap. Don't be sad, because I was a happy 15.5 years old! I want to share with you how I spent my last 24 hours. It was a lot of fun.

Happy Holidays: First of all, Merry Christmas to all of you out there. I always loved the holidays. It always meant new, awesome tasting foods for me, and of course toys. I'm disappointed I won't see one this year, but loved the ones I did have.

Memories: During my last day, my dad and I both thought a lot about all the times we had, including fun trips to Moab...Hiking and disc golfing... And of course time with my family. I love my mom and dad! Part of my happy time in my last day came from cuddling. I loved giving kisses, even to my Dad's rough beard. I loved Mom's lap. I will miss it soooo much!

Bath time: My parents know I don't like baths during them, but they know how happy I am afterwards to be clean and smelling great. Must do before your forever nap. 10/10, would recommend.

Steak!!! Well, not exactly steak... My Mom and Dad didn't think I could handle steak anymore (I think they were right, boo). Instead I got the next best thing: beef baby food. It was perfect, and my Mommy even hand fed it to me.

The park: I somehow found the energy for one last trip to the park. It was a lot of fun, although I couldn't play long as I get tired really fast.

Then it was time for my final car ride. I wasn't happy it was my last, but I was ready for it. I served my Mom and Dad as the greatest companion that anyone could ever know. Knowing that, I leave with pride and confidence.

Finally, promise me, if ever you have chronic problems with your internal organs, including the kidney or liver, please also consider checking your gallbladder. You might just catch a problem in there, too.

Lena, an adorable dog holidogtimes

This moving letter allowed the couple to show just how much they loved theirprecious dog. Despite their attachment, they made the difficult decision to say goodbye forever so that Lena wouldn't sufferany more.

The great love they show for their pet also encourages other owners to cherish their animals right until the very end. It's always hard to lose a pet but these owners found a really beautiful way to grieve and to say goodbye in the best way possible.

Check out the video above to see more of Lena's special final day - have your tissues ready...

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