This woman has the longest and heaviest hair in Europe

At 28 years old, Aliia Nasyrova has the longest hair in Europe! 20 years without one snip, and she now had the longest and heaviest hair in Europe.

This young woman has the longest and heaviest hair in Europe
© Aliia Nasyrova
This young woman has the longest and heaviest hair in Europe

Almost everyone has dreamed of having really long hair at some point in their life, right? Well, this woman has, and now she has the longest hair in Europe. Crazy, is it not? Here are all the details of this amazing story!

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The longest hair in Europe

Her name is Aliia Nasyrova, she is from Latvia and she has a really impressive hair length. Indeed, this 100% natural mane weighs 2 kilos, measures 2.20 meters and is the result of 20 years without one snip of the shears, according to public declarations.

Followed online by more than 178,000 people on social networks, the adventures of @aliia_more fascinate and entrance many people, both in awe and a little jealous. She is also present on YouTube where she poses her silken cascade in different places of the world, like on this picture at the Place Vendôme in Paris.

Despite having reached this XXL length, she still does not intend to cut her hair any time soon. The real-life Rapunzel explains on her social networks:

I started to grow my hair from childhood. I have always been fascinated by fairy tale heroines, [...] Since my hair is longer than I am, I sometimes tread on it when I'm at home. And outside, I never go out with my hair loose.

The young Latvian even admits to having problems from time to time, as her cervical vertebrae are strained by the constant weight of her hair. Despite that, she remains sublime and we love her for that originality of hers.

World silver medal

As far as records go, Aliia Nasyrova has the longest recorded hair on Instagram, YouTube and even in Europe. Though not the longest in the world! Indeed, the world record of 5.3 meters is held by a Chinese woman. So let us be patient, maybe our local Rapunzel will dethrone the one from Asia, in time. Stay up to date...

Discover more infos and pictures of Aliia Nasyrova in the video at the top of the article!

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