20 Healthy And Easy-To-Make Recipe Ideas

Looking for inspiration to cook simple and healthy recipes? Check out our selection of 20 gourmet recipes.

Sweet Potato Avocado Toast
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Sweet Potato Avocado Toast

A healthy and balanced diet is essential to feel good in body and mind.

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Give pride of place to seasonal products

To achieve this, it is preferable to eat seasonal products (organic if possible), which are fresh and not processed. Forget industrial dishes and devote a few hours a week to the preparation of small, healthy, and tasty dishes. You will see, there is nothing more satisfying than enjoying your own creations. To fill your fridge, go shopping at the market, in organic shops or opt for organic baskets to be delivered every week. They have the advantage of containing recipe cards.

A healthy and varied diet

However, keep in mind that a healthy diet is not necessarily a diet that is light, sugar-free and gluten-free. It is about eating things that are good for your body (including good fats and sugars). It's a great way to move towards a balanced diet that will do you good. Ready?

The ideal healthy pantry

Beyond fresh vegetables, you will need a minimum of ingredients to easily cook healthy recipes. Here they are:

- Coconut oil, sesame oil, olive oil: these oils are very good for your health and will help you to cook and season your dishes.

- Spices and herbs: fresh or dried, they are a great way to give flavour to your dishes.

- Soy sauce or gomashio: better for your health than salt!

- Nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds: in your soups, salads, pasta and cakes, these little seeds that are full of goodness will add a personal touch in your recipes.

- In terms of equipment: think about investing in a powerful blender to make your smoothies, gazpacho and hummus, and also in a cutting board, a good knife and pretty bowls to present your creations.

Healthy recipe ideas

Where should we start? Focus on balanced and light recipes like spring rolls and tacos: easy to take to the office or to a picnic.

Sweet potatoes are also an excellent ingredient in a wide variety of dishes: falafels, hummus, chips, mashed potatoes, cake, curry...

Don't forget that it is also possible to make meal bowls that are as beautiful as they are good: poke bowls, Buddha bowls, quinoa bowls...fresh vegetables accompanied by legumes, with or without fish: all presented in colourful and refined crockery!

Finally, eating healthy also means favouring raw food in order to preserve all the nutrients. Think of ceviche, vegetable carpaccio, raw gazpacho...

So, are you ready to adopt a healthy way of life?

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