This mum found a photo of her daughter online with one disturbing detail

Caroline Enterfeldt regularly posts photos of her children on social media. But one day, she got a nasty surprise when she came across a photo of her daughter that had been photoshopped…

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After she shared this photo, Caroline told BuzzFeed News she noticed several photoshopped images of her daughter cropping up over and over on different accounts

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'I've been tagged many times on the pic,' she explained. 'When it turned out to be this big, I'm starting to think why they edited it and for what purpose.'

This mother of two was shocked when she came across a photo of her 1-year-old daughter Jayden. The eyes of her daughter, who is mixed-race, had been changed with Photoshop to look blue instead of brown.

Caroline Enterfeldt explained: ‘I’m just annoyed that the photo is everywhere […] Why would you edit a picture of a baby who’s beautiful just the way she is?’

Unfortunately, this happens quite often on the internet. Photos of babies that are photoshopped most often are those of mixed-race babies… They lighten their skin, their hair and their eyes so that they conform to certainbeauty standardsmore!

She took a photo of her daughter, then noticed one terrifying detail She took a photo of her daughter, then noticed one terrifying detail