This is how one 6-year-old daughter saved her mother from 'satanic' domestic abuse

Jodie Keegans, 37 finally got justice after years of severe domestic abuse thanks to her 6-year-old daughter.

This is how one 6-year-old daughter saved her mother from 'satanic' domestic abuse
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This is how one 6-year-old daughter saved her mother from 'satanic' domestic abuse

It all started in 2005 when Jodie Keegans, now 37, met Scott Keegans, 34 at a nightclub. Four years later, the couple got married in October 2009. At that point, there was no cause for concern for Jodie and the couple went on to have 3 children. Little did Jodie know that the father of her children would cover 95% of her body in cuts and bruises. Jodie explained:

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It started off really good, he was a great partner and father in the beginning but about three years ago, his possessive behaviour started to escalate. He didn’t want me to engage with anyone and would always question the kids, asking 'who did mummy speak to today?'

10 years into their relationship, Scott had total control over Jodie's life. She wasn't allowed to go to work, have a mobile phone or even see her friends nor her family and she was trapped at the hands of her violent and ruthless husband.

Scott would regularly beat, bite and stamp on Jodie, resulting in numerous major injuries including a broken shoulder, shattered ribs and six spinal fractures. Jodie had admitted that she was beaten so badly, she began to feel her organs giving out.

Saved by her 6-year-old

But in October 2017, Jodie's fate took a turn when one of her three children told her teachers what was happening at home. Her brave daughter came forward and told them:

Daddy’s hurting mummy by the birdie wallpaper, she says she loves him but he keeps hurting her.

The school staff were quickly able to alert police before they finally arrived at the Keegans' doorstep.

Despite Scott having fled by that point, Jodie quickly took the opportunity to open up to the police about the severity of the domestic abuse she was experiencing:

As soon as I saw them I knew this might be my only chance.

Scott was arrested that day and Jodie was taken to the hospital, where the doctors had predicted she might have been in a car crash. Alongside major bruising, several fractures and broken bones, Jodie had a torn ear, clumps of hair pulled out and were at risk of lung failure as a result of the impact that Scott had inflicted upon her.

On September 5, Scott Keegans finally faced justice after 3 years of "one of the most horrific cases" of domestic violence, as described by Detective Constable Steve Barnes. After being found guilty of 6 counts of assault, sexual assault and rape, the defendant has now been sentenced to 18 years in jail.

The mum of three truly believes that, if it wasn't for her daughter stepping in, her circumstances would have turned out very differently.

My daughter is my superhero for being brave enough to tell her school [...] she really did save my life.

Helping others in need

Jodie has now gone on to dedicate her time to helping other women going through similar, horrific cases of domestic abuse and violence.

Remember if you or someone you know may be a victim of domestic abuse help is always available.
Freephone the 24-hr National Domestic Abuse Helpline at 0808 2000 247
or visit Refuge UK.

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