Hot farts: This is the disturbing reason why some farts feel warmer than others

‘If it burns your mouth going down it’s going to burn your butt coming out’, one doctor explains.

Hot farts: This is the disturbing reason why some farts feel warmer than others
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Hot farts: This is the disturbing reason why some farts feel warmer than others

The average person passes gas at least 14 times a day. It is normal, and you should be worried if you are not farting. However, not all farts are the same; some are silent but stink up an entire room, others can come out with a thunderous sound. Farts are so diverse, even their temperatures vary. Some farts are warmer than others and there are some possible reasons for that.

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Running low on gas

It’s natural to not expel gas as frequently as you would on some days. This can be a result of reduced gassiness level based on the foods you eat or lifestyle habits, Healthline states. However, if you have less gas to lose, the farts may seem warmer for the simple reason that the force that is exerted to pass the gas quickly and empty the rectum. When that happens, the air may linger right around your bum, heating up the skin slightly.


Diarrhoea is unpleasant for many reasons including the fact that it makes your farts burn. The anatomical explanation given for this by the Gastroenterology Diagnostic Centre, is that:

When you have diarrhoea, the bowel movements increase, which makes the skin lining your rectum and anus sensitive. The temperature of farts remains the same during diarrhoea. The sensitivity is what gives you hot farts.
Getty/ frantic00

Spicy foods

Spicy foods often contain natural substances, such as capsaicin, which impart a fiery flame to your tongue – and they do much the same to your anus during a bowel movement.

Lisa Ganjhu, DO, clinical associate professor in the Division of Gastroenterology at NYU Langone Health, explained to Men’s Health:

If it burns your mouth going down it’s going to burn your butt coming out. The tissue in your mouth is very similar to the tissue in your rectum.

Sources used:

Medical News Today: What causes hot farts and how to prevent them

Men’s Health: The Reason Some Farts Burn Like Hell

Healthline: Why Do Some Farts Feel Warmer Than Others?

Gastroenterology Diagnostic Centre: Why are some farts hotter than others?

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