King Charles: Public's reactions to his guard's horrendous living conditions are not what you'd expect

The King’s guards live in barracks 300 yards from Buckingham Palace. Media has revealed photos of the soldiers' living conditions but people aren’t blaming the King.

King Charles: Public's reactions to his guard's horrendous living conditions are not what you'd expect
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King Charles: Public's reactions to his guard's horrendous living conditions are not what you'd expect

As King, Charles has a lot of security, including soldiers that guard Buckingham Palace. These soldiers are easily recognised with their red uniform and bearskin hats. A former Coldstream Guard spoke to the Daily Mail revealing the conditions they used to live in.

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Horrible living conditions

The Coldstream soldier that spoke with Daily Mail wished to stay anonymous but told the media that living in the Wellington Barracks was ‘worse than living in a filthy squat.’ He revealed that the barracks weren’t regularly cleaned, that rubbish would pile up on the floor and the place would be infested with rats.

The rats would die in the bins, and we’d have to clean them out when doing block jobs in the morning. There are piles of rubbish inside the accommodation areas and the stench from the toilets is unbearable. All the problems are in the blocks where the privates live.

The former guard said he left the position after putting up with it for ‘several years.’ He told Daily Mail:

It’s a disgusting way to treat soldiers who are doing a very important job. Prisoners in Britain have better living conditions than we do.

The former soldier spoke up about the living conditions as he believes the public needs to know what it’s really like to be a soldier for the King, adding that ‘this would not happen in the officers block.’

Another soldier revealed that when they complained to senior officers, they would be told to ‘f*** off.’

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A lack of sympathy from the public

However, it would seem that the reaction of the public may not have been what the former soldier was looking for. Indeed the Daily Mail has a comment section and many readers took to it to express themselves.

One of the recurring points of the readers is that these soldiers are grown men and should be able to clean up after themselves when it comes to the rubbish all over the floor.

One reader wrote:

Why not clean up and pick up the rubbish? Are they waiting for someone to clean up for them? Buy detox and clean the toilets. People complain too much in this country.

While another added:

Well I wouldn't live like that, I would clean it up myself! I presume it's their own mess, not someone coming in and causing it??

Other readers have commented on the lack of discipline. Many explained that this situation should never have happened as it is standard for barracks to be inspected daily:

Are the barracks no longer inspected on a daily basis by the higher ranking officers. It looks like discipline among in that area has sadly diminished also.
Clearly a lack of discipline going on. You couldn't leave in times past without your forms all stamped by each department.. each one entailing checks. If you did =AWOL. Who is not bothering here? Mess like that = no stamp no leave. Get cleaning

Sources used:

The Express: King Charles's guards forced to live in rat-infested barracks 'worse than prison'

Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE King's guards forced to live in squalor: Inside the rat-infested royal barracks where soldiers who protect Charles III endure conditions 'worse than prison'

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