Skinimalism: The new skincare trend coming to you in 2021

‘Skinimalism is the new trend hitting our beauty routines for 2021 with many adopting a ‘less is more’ attitude to skincare and makeup.

Skinimalism: The new skincare trend coming to you in 2021
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Skinimalism: The new skincare trend coming to you in 2021

First, it came for our wardrobes and now it’s coming for our skincare. Next year we will no doubt see a surge in minimalism, or ‘skinimalism’ a trend that sees people opting for more simple and minimal looks.

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No longer will we see people draped in layers of foundation, serums or creams as a new wave of simplicity will soon see many of us cut down on our vast skincare and makeup collections.

The trend has already started creeping in this year with masks prompting many of us to pay extra attention to our skin to avoid the dreaded ‘maskne’. But, 2021 will definitely see skinimalism take hold over the beauty industry.

Skinimalism promotes us to cut down and instead only use essential products such as cleansers, moisturisers and SPFs in order to achieve a healthy glow as opposed to a more baked and caked look… Who wants to wear layers of makeup underneath their masks anyway?

The trend has been making its way across the world, derived from the ‘skip-care’ trend in South Korea where people have been reducing their beauty routines to just a handful of products in order to achieve a more ‘natural’ look and to let the skin breathe.

News of the trend was reported in from the annual Pinterest Predicts as the image-based social media platform has revealed an increase in searches around products as well as techniques that focuses on glowing skin and simplicity.

This year searches for things such as‘how to get naturally glowing skin’have quadrupledand searches for homemade skincare as well as aloe-vera face masks have both increased by over 100%. We can only assume that due to the amount of time spent inside this year, many have been able to take more time to look after themselves and their skin.

How to simplify your skincare and makeup routine

If you’re looking to get ahead of 2021 here’s how you can get on the skinimalism trend.

All you need to do is cut out unnecessary skincare and makeup products.

There are around three things you absolutely must have in your skincare routine and that’s a good cleanser, moisturizer and SPF. Products such as toners or hydrating mists aren’t hugely necessary for your routines. However. If you enjoy using them then there’s absolutely no reason to get rid of them.

Serums and treatments can also easily be cut down. There’s no need to be layering 10 actives on your face every morning and night. Instead, think about what you really want your skincare to achieve.

Maybe you’re searching for more hydration, fading hyperpigmentation or even taking care offine lines and wrinkles. Then, focus on a limited amount of products that target your needs such as a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid or niacinamide. And, if it’s a healthy glow you’re after, opt for something with a little vitamin C!

Makeup on the other hand will be much easier to cut down on next year as it is pretty likely we will all still be wearing masks. This means there won’t be much need for lipstick or foundation as it may rub off or even cause acne.

Instead, focus on what you can see, your eyes. The Pinterest Predicts report that although skinimalism will be in next year, as will be a bold eye and eyebrows. So, if you’re one for a more glamorous look, the eyes are the way to go. A little eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, pomade and concealer are all you need. And, these products usually come in a pretty small tube so you’ll be able to fit them all in your bag!

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