Delete these four apps immediately, Android users warned

The apps were found to be hidden dangerous malware called Joker.

Delete these four apps immediately, Android users warned
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Delete these four apps immediately, Android users warned

If you use an Android, you might want to take a quick inventory on the apps you have installed on your device. This is necessary because Google Play Store has removed four suspicious apps, but you could be one of the 100,000 people who had already downloaded them.

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What are they?

The applications that were removed from the Play Store include the generic named Smart SMS Messages, which has been downloaded 50,000 times, The Sun reports. The others, also bearing unsuspecting names like Blood Pressure Monitor, Voice Languages Translator and Quick Text SMS, had each been downloaded over 10,000 times.

Experts at Pradeo, who discovered the malicious apps say they contain a piece of malware called Joker which can secretly subscribe you to paid services with premium text and calls.

All of these apps are programmed to install other applications on users’ devices, acting as dropper to potentially convey even more dangerous malware. By using as little code as possible and thoroughly hiding it, Joker generates a very discreet footprint that can be tricky to detect.
Getty/ Guido Mieth

You would be none the wiser if you install these apps, because the subscription and related charges all happen in the background.

Do this to protect yourself

These are just the latest apps to be discovered as containing malware. According to The Sun article, the four add to the thousands of malicious apps being created over the past three years to steal from people.

You should go through your apps and see if any of the four listed above is on your device. If so, you are advised to delete them immediately. Pradeo reiterated:

Users are advised to immediately delete these applications from their smartphones and tablets to avoid fraudulent activities.

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Urgent warning issued to Android users: Delete these malicious apps immediately Urgent warning issued to Android users: Delete these malicious apps immediately