The Most Favoured Orange Soft Drink May Come To An End

Sad news...this delicious orange fizzy drink recipe could change forever. Watch our video to find out what fizzy beverage this is and start stocking up today before it's gone!

The Most Favoured Orange Soft Drink May Come To An End
The Most Favoured Orange Soft Drink May Come To An End

The Details

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UK exclusive and Scotland national drink is undergoing some pretty radical changes. With the governments impending regulations on soft drinks in the coming months, the makers have announced that they will be cutting the sugar content. Currently, the beloved fluorescent orange fizzy drink contains a total of 34g of sugar per can; yes it’s a lot, but that delicious taste comes with a cost. The new formula which is currently in production looks to cut that amount by more than half, to 15.5g per can.

Everyone can appreciate the consideration in regards to sugars negative effects on the body, however people seem rather up in arms about the sugar replacement that will be cut in the recipe: aspartame. Aspartame, found in many diet and zero sugar variations of popular soft drinks, has a negative reputation in the perception of the general public.

Many dislike the aftertaste of the additive, while some even claim they have an intolerance to the chemical. Despite the fact that producers have stated that nine out of ten people can’t tell the difference between the new variation and the original formula, people have already been swarming supermarkets and eBay to try and build up reserves of the classic version. Some original cases have even gone for as high as £52. Is this the end of the orange fizzy drink?

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