Sam Smith's Latest Instagram Post Campaigns For More Self-Love This Christmas

This singer has struggled with his body and weight for a long time. Fortunately, this difficult period is over and now he wants to share a message of love and acceptance with his fans.

Sam Smith's Latest Instagram Post Campaigns For More Self-Love This Christmas
© Instagram: @samsmith
Sam Smith's Latest Instagram Post Campaigns For More Self-Love This Christmas

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Sam Smith has struggled with his weight ever since he was a child. It even got so bad for him that he had liposuction on his chest when he was just 12 years old. After that, young Sam felt very good about himself, but his eating habits remained the same and, of course, he immediately gained the weight back. After baring his soul this summer, the singer has now taken to Instagram to talk about the weight gain we are all familiar with over the Christmas period.

Sam promotes body positivity

The 27-year-old has now learned to accept himself and his body. Especially during the Christmas period, it is quite difficult not to put on too much extra weight, and this is something the English singer knows all too well. But this holiday weight no longer bothers him, as he recently revealed in a caption on a picture he recently posted on Instagram of him shirtless.

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I love my boobies more than you love my boobies

A post shared by Sam Smith (@samsmith) on

‘Christmas time is upon us. This time of the year always triggers tricky body issues with me. I love me some mince pies and all the trimmings and I always find I gain a bit of weight during this time. I’m writing this out to you all, but also writing this for myself. Let’s make sure we remind our bodies during this time that no matter what weight we are, we are deserving of love and acceptance. Let’s love our fluctuating bodies.’

Don’t be too strict with yourself

Incidentally, it’s not always easy for him to be happy with his weight, and although he often struggles with this, he keeps going. Nevertheless, he wants to encourage others not to be too strict with themselves over the holidays. And if that’s not a nice message, then we don’t know what is!

An important message from the singer! In the video above, you can see the photo of Sam Smith in which he sends this message of love and acceptance to his fans!

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