It's Baby Badger Season - And They're The Cutest Things You'll Ever See

Somewhere deep in the secret corners of our forests, something amazing is about to happen… Badgers, these little mammals that are so essential to the ecosystem of our forests, are about to become parents! Between February and March is the period in which the females give birth.

It's Baby Badger Season - And They're The Cutest Things You'll Ever See
It's Baby Badger Season - And They're The Cutest Things You'll Ever See

It’s breeding season for our forests’ badgers!

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From the end of January to the beginning of March, female badgers give birth after being pregnant for two months in the secrecy of their homes, a giant labyrinth of tunnels, entrances and exits under the ground of the massive forest areas.

A big litter

At the end of winter, badgers normally give birth to between two and seven babies, with their eyes closed and completely hairless. They are very dependent on their mother during this time and they will stay with her to keep warm and be nursed.

They won’t come out of their home until a month and a half after they’ve been born and they will be nursed by their mother for another six weeks, even though the mother will start to regurgitate foods for them little by little. Yum!


These little badgers are too cute! With their great black and white snouts and their young, bushy fur coats, they’re amazing to be able to witness… but unfortunately very difficult to find.

In fact, badgers are naturally discreet creatures and are also nocturnal.


But for these baby badgers, danger is everywhere. The small mammal, although harmless to the rest of society, can be hunted almost all year long, even right in the middle of their breeding and birthing periods.

Because they are hated by farmers (they can dig up their lands and fields) and hunters (because they’re free and wild), they can end up in traps, poisoned or unearthed.

Check out the video above to see some adorable baby badgers for yourself!

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