Top Tips For Your Pregnancy, According To Your Star Sign

This beautiful event will mark your life forever! It will also change a lot of things around you including your body and your daily routine. Depending on your astrological sign, here are some tips you should follow throughout your pregnancy...

Top Tips For Your Pregnancy, According To Your Star Sign
Top Tips For Your Pregnancy, According To Your Star Sign

Aries: Take breaks. As you are very dynamic, you will need to learn to slow down.

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Taurus: Go green. The outdoors will do you the greatest good: find your inner peace!

Gemini: Relax. You need calm; relaxation exercises are perfect for you and baby.

Cancer: Prepare for baby's arrival. This is one of the best parts of pregnancy; think about the decor of the room and prepare your hospital bag to ensure you are calm when baby decides to make an appearance!

Leo: Go shopping. Sure, you're pregnant, but you can rock your maternity style! You can now really indulge in pregnancy clothes.

Virgo: See a doctor regularly. You need to be reassured about your state of health and your baby's; medical monitoring is essential for you!

Libra: Maintain a fulfilling social life. Restaurants, movie outings... Organise a baby shower!

Scorpio: Share your worries. You are rather anxious; do not be afraid to say what's on your mind.

Sagittarius: Move smoothly. You can continue to play sports, just make sure they're suitable for pregnant women, it's important!

Capricorn: Rest. Refocusing is important to regain your balance and listen to your body.

Aquarius: Travel, as always! You do not want to feel trapped; you can also escape through books or movies.

Pisces: Think of the pleasure water brings you. Thalassotherapy or swimming pools... Water will relieve your back!

Check out the video above for more tips...

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