This Is The Best Sport For Your Star Sign

Based on our sign, we all have different passions. The same goes for sports, which are not practiced the same way if you're a Taurus, or a Gemini or Cancer. Find out which sport is best for your astrological sign.

This Is The Best Sport For Your Star Sign
This Is The Best Sport For Your Star Sign

Aries need to sweat and work hard. A physical sport: boxing

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Taurus seeks to flourish. Sports like dance, gymnastics or even capoeira

Gemini - A team sport: volleyball, basketball or handball

Cancer loves to release energy... but gently. Ideal sport: swimming and water aerobics.

Leo loves outdoor sports because they do not really like being locked up in a gym. Ideal sport: golf

Exercise is beneficial to Virgos when it allows them to rid themselves of their natural nervousness. Ideal sport: jogging

Libra natives like to exercise while still looking good. Ideal sports: tennis or figure skating

Scorpios are fed by an inner fire that forces them to work hard. Adrenaline sports: skydiving

Sagittarius likes precision. Ideal sport: archery

Cycling for Capricorns. Exercising without getting in danger.

Rather calm, Aquarius will love yoga to meditate.

Pisces - Diving.

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